MovieDay is a movie countdown timer app which lets you keep track of any movie you want to watch. It focuses on using a beautiful user interface with vibrant colors, fluid animations, and a down to the second countdown timer.
Each movie is personalized with it's own colors and a countdown timer to let you know when the movie is coming out. You can actually see the seconds of the countdown timer counting down, read more information about the movie, see its ratings, and watch trailers!
MovieDay lets you easily add an unlimited amount of movies to your "Want To Watch" and "Watched" lists! Plus it will automatically show a countdown timer for a movie that hasn't been released. The countdown timer is also visible on every list for every movie that is coming out.
The live countdown timer makes it easy to see the time remaining for a movie's first day. The countdown timer shows the days, hours, minutes, and seconds that are left until the movie is released. But what's the purpose of a countdown timer without notifications? With the movie release and movie weekly notifications you can get a notification when a movie countdown timer reaches zero and a weekly notification to show a list of movies that are opening in the week! You can also set the notification any number of days in advance!
Keeping track of movies is now simpler than ever! You can add, set as watched, or delete a movie with a single tap! Even the simple task of viewing additional movie information, finding similar movies, looking for movies that belong in the same collection, and watching trailers, is easy with a clean and uncluttered interface.
MovieDay is a fun and exciting alternative to other outdated movie apps in the market. The live countdown timer, beautiful interface, vibrant colors, clean layout, useful notifications, and share options make MovieDay a refreshing new option! Try it out today!
Features provided by MovieDay:
- Add unlimited movies to your "Want To Watch" or "Watched" lists
- See a countdown timer for any movie coming out
- See the days, hours, minutes, and seconds in the countdown timer for any movie
- View the countdown timer in front of a customized color footer for each movie
- View movie ratings, watch trailers, and additional movie info
- View backdrop and poster images for each movie
- Sort your "Want to Watch" and "Watched" lists
- Search for any movie by the movie title
- Share a movie to any application that supports share (such as text, email, Facebook, Twitter)
- View cast and crew for the each movie
- View similar movies and movies that belong in the same collection
- Browse for a movie in the "Upcoming", "Now Playing", "Popular", and "Top Rated" lists
- Upcoming movies show countdown timer to release date
- Receive a weekly notification for a movie in your list opening that week
- Set weekly notification day and time
- Receive a release notification for any movie that is being released
- Set release notification day and time
- Movie lists are stored locally (no registering or logging in required)
- No internet connection needed for viewing a movie already in your list
Plus there are more features and updates always in the works!
All content is provided by
All promotional image content is provided and authorized for use by Anthony Sieben:
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">MovieDay是电影倒计时器的应用程序,它可以让你保持跟踪你想观看任何电影。它侧重于利用一个漂亮的用户界面,鲜艳的色彩,流畅的动画,并且精确到秒倒数计时。
- 无限的电影添加到您的“想看”或者“观察”名单
- 对于任何一部电影出来见一个倒数计时器
- 对任何电影见天,小时,分钟,并在倒数计时器秒
- 查看倒数计时器在自定义颜色页脚前每部电影
- 查看电影的收视率,观看预告片,和额外的电影资讯
- 查看背景,海报照片每部电影
- 排序的“想看”和“观察”名单
- 搜索任何电影的电影标题
- 共享电影,支持共享的任何应用程序(如文本,电子邮件,脸谱,微博)
- 查看演员和工作人员对每部电影
- 查看类似的电影和电影中,属于同一集合
- 浏览电影中的“即将到来”,“正在播放”,“大众”和“最高评分”名单
- 即将上映的电影显示倒计时发布日期
- 在你的名单每周收到通知的电影周开幕
- 设定每周通知的日期和时间
- 接收释放通知要释放任何电影
- 设置发布通知的日期和时间
- 电影列表存储在本地(在无需注册或登录)
- 没有互联网连接需要在你的名单看电影已经
所有的促销图像内容提供,并授权由安东尼Sieben使用:。</div> <div class="show-more-end">